
Mar 14, 2010

Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infection (Yeast Vaginitis)

Almost 25% women harbour candida yeast in the vagina and these are asymptomatic.Vaginal yeast infection occurs when there is increase in quantity of yeast in the vagina or new yeast introduced into the vagina of a women.
If yeast infection occurs it can show following symptoms :
  • Cardinal symptoms of yeast vaginitis is pruritis vulva (itching in vulval region) . It is often accompanied by vaginal irritation, dysuria(difficulty in micturation) or both .The symptoms of vaginal yeast infection are non specific which means that aside from yeast infection, other condition can cause the identical symptoms ( like UTI) There are burning sensation,soreness and redness seen in vagina.
  • pain during intercourse and urination
  • In some womens white, thick, curdy or flaky and ouderless discharge passage from vagina
  • Recurrent or chronic: If women suffers from 4 or more infections in a year which is not associated with antibiotic use then it is called recurrent yeast vaginitis. upto 5% womens suffer from recurrent attacks.Recurrence may be related to an underlying medical disease and require attention.


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