
Mar 14, 2010

What Is Yeast Infection

Before understanding yeast infection we have to know what is yeast?
Yeast is a fungus.
Depending open the morphology fungus are divided into 4 main groups
  1. Yeasts- round to oval unicellular fungi, eg-Cryptococcus neoformance
  2. Yeast like fungi-they grow partly as yeast and partly as chain of elongated budding cells, eg-Candida
  3. Moulds-they grow as branching filaments called hyphae, eg-Aspergillus,Penicillium
  4. Dimorphic fungi-eg-Blastomyces
So yeast infection include Cryptococcosis and Candidosis which is caused by a yeast like fungi, candida albicans. Candidiasis is encountered more frequenly so it is commonly referred as yeast infection
Candida is normally present in our skin,  oral cavity(mouth), gastrointestinal tract, and vagina and remain asymptomatic.When patient is immunocompromised because of any reason like diabetes, AIDS etc ,they grows in number and causes infection.Candidiasis encompasses a range of infection from superficial ( skin, nails, hairs and mouth) like oral thrush,vaginitis  to more serious systemic and life threatning opportunistic diseases.


Anonymous said...

a great work on yeast infection defination hope you will post same in future

amit said...

Yeast infection commonly used for candidiasis as candida albicans is the cause in most of the yeast infection cases.Other medical terms that define yeast infection are thrush, candidosis, candidiasis, moniliasis, oidiomycosis

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