
Apr 12, 2010

Home Remedy And Natural Remedies For A Yeast Infection Cure

Before knowing home remedy and natural remedies for yeast infection cure, we should know what is yeast infection.

 Overview Of yeast Infections:

Yeast infection is usually caused by a fungus, Candida Albicans. Candida itself does not infect person, when inner balance of microorganisms disrupt , candida yeast grows in number and infection take note it candida only infect a person when inner balance of microorganisms disrupt or person is immunocompromised.

 Yeast usually grows in moist, warm and dark areas of body ,yeast infections can be categorised in-
  •  Vaginal yeast infection- almost 70% women will have yeast infection in their is also called yeast vaginitis
  • Penile yeast infection-characterised by itching, soreness on penis and burning during micturation
  • Oral yeast infection-menifest as white colored thrush in mouth
  • Skin yeast infection-yeast grows in nail beds, skin folds and under arms
  • Systemic yeast infection-if reccurent yeast infection is not treated in time or person is immunocompromised (due to AIDS or taking anticancer medications) then yeast infection can involve another systems.

Home Remedy And Natural Remedies For Yeast Infection:

A lot of home remedies are there but i list here only useful natural remedies for yeast infection
  • Plain yogurt : yogurt is a one of the most popular home based natural remedy for yeast infection.Yogurt contain Lactobacillus Acidophillus , a helpful bacteria. it also improves digestion.yogurt should be plain no sweetner or flavour added to it.Dip a tampon in plain yogurt and insert into vagina twice a day until your symptoms disappears .It should be wiped off  after some hours otherwise it can cause itching.
  • Probiotics : probiotics  is another popular natural remedy for yeast infection.usually  Lactobacillus bacterial species are used as probiotics specially Lactobacillus Acidophillus . Probiotics are friendly natural bacterias present in digestive tract and in vagina.These are used as oral supplements and vaginal suppositories also available.
  • Garliac : peel a fresh clove of garliac and make a tampon, insert it into vagina for overnight. For severe infections use it in morning and night both the times a day .Garliac has number of other health benefits as it lowers bad (LDL, VLDL) blood cholesterol , lowers blood pressure.It is a effective home remedy for yeast infection cure.
  • Tea tree oil : It contains terpinen-4-ol ,which is useful in yeast infection cure .Pour few drops of diluted oil  into lubricated tampon and insert into the vagina .It is a good natural remedy for yeast infection.
  • Apple cider vinegar : add 1 tbsp of vinegar in 2 cup of water and put 1garliac clove in it.let it stand for sometime and use it for douching.Only use apple cider vinegar after dilution.
  • Boric acid : also have some potential of  home remedy for yeast infection. Insert 1 or 2 capsule of boric acid into the vagina and keep it for sometime . boric acid is a toxic substance and should not be used orally or paled on cut surface on the body. in some women vaginal suppositories can cause vaginal burning and irritation.
Want permanent cure from yeast infections ? OR you have used one of the above home remedies for cure of your yeast infection and results are not satisfactory or yeast infection persist or recurs , it may possible you are not using these remedies in right way, now you should take specialist advice to completely cure your yeast infection . Let me know you  yeast infection no more , a quite comprehensive and precise guide to yeast infection freedom..It will teach you how to eliminate candida and regain your natural inner balance, using unique 5-step method.

The author LINDA ALLEN is a certified nutritionist, health consultant, medical researcher and former sufferer of yeast infection.I really appreciate Linda's work for writing that amazing e-book .
                                      For more info, click  yeast infection no more   HOPE IT HELPS


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