
Apr 9, 2010

Causes Of Vaginal Yeast Infection (Yeast Vaginitis)

Vaginal yeast infection is mostly caused by Candida albicans which is a yeast like fungi.Candida yeast is normally harbour 25-30% of womens vagina and does not cause any symptoms.

Inner environment of vagina maintain the balance between normal microorganism of vagina (like Candida yeast, Doderlein bacteria) which is in turn controlled by ph of vaginal secretion, hormone(mainly oestrogen), and glycogen storage of vaginal cells.

When inner environment changes (like increased ph) balance between normal microorganism disrupt and Candida grows in number and invade the inner layer of vaginal wall (vaginal mucosa) and  yeast infection takes place

factors that increases the risk of vaginal yeast infections :
  • Antibiotic use: Prolonged use of antibiotics can destroy Doderlein  bacterias those protect vagina by secreting lactic acid and maintaining inner environment of vagina . Antibiotics can be used for treating other conditions like UTI , respiratory infections or other infections of body.
  • Diabetes: In diabetes glycogen storage of vaginal cells depleted which  is used by Doderlein bacterias to make lactic acid so ph of vaginal secretion raises which increases the risk of developing  yeast infection.
  • Weak immune system : HIV infection or AIDS , long term steroid use , pregnancy , cancer chemotherapy or long term antibiotics use can weaken the immune system.
  •  Age : Before puberty (ph >7 ) and after menopause vaginal ph is less acidic so these age groups are more vulnerable for vaginal yeast infection
  • Oestrogen intake like oral contraceptive pills (OCPS) or local oestrogen use
  •  Uses of Douches , Vaginal Spray , Tamponades , Intra Uterine Devices (IUCDS) and wearing tight Underwear


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